本間浩之 Hiroyuki Homma(Guitar)




卒業後アーティストビザ取得。ニューヨークを拠点に活動を開始。R&Bの中心のクラブであるAshford Simson’s Sugar Bar, The Club Groove, Cafe Wha? のレギュラーギタリストに定着する。


またグラミー賞アーティストでR&Bを代表するコーラスグループ・The Manhattans、またグラミー賞アーティストであり、ゴスペル界の重鎮であるDonnie MclurkinやCece Winans、モータウンにはなくてはならないコンポーザー・Ashford & SimpsonのValerie Simpson, K Michelle, Cheryl Pepsi Riley, Allison Williams, Kim Davis (Chic)など様々なアーティストのサポートも務める。


ニューヨーク、ブルックリンにある公立芸術中学校、M.S 51 William Alexander, プライベート音

楽学校、Brooklyn Music Houseで講師も勤め、多数の生徒をマンハッタンにある最難関芸術高校、ラガーディア芸術高校、Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Artsに多数輩出し、高い評価を受ける。






He started playing guitar at the age of 12 and started playing the guitar as soon as he entered Meiji University, and in 1997 he received a scholarship to study at Berklee College of Music.


After graduating, he obtained an artist's visa and started his career in New York City.

He became a regular guitarist at the main R&B clubs such as Ashford Simson's Sugar Bar, The Club Groove and Cafe Wha?


He has supported a variety of artists, The Manhattans, a Grammy Award winning R&B chorus group, and Grammy Award winning artists such as gospel heavyweights Donnie Mclurkin and Cece Winans, as well as composers such as Ashford & Co. including Simpson's Valerie Simpson, K Michelle, Cheryl Pepsi Riley, Allison Williams and Kim Davis (Chic).


He has also taught at M.S 51 William Alexander, a private music school and Brooklyn Music House, a public arts middle school in Brooklyn, New York.


He has had a number of highly acclaimed students enrolled at Manhattan's most challenging high school for the arts, LaGuardia High School of the Arts and Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts.


In March 2020, after 23 years in the United States, he moved to Tokyo, Japan.


Language: Japanese, English


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